About Us

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New York, 1993 – Corrupt Pharmaceuticals Has Always Been Behind The Scenes Of Modern And Yesteryears Muscle Building Enhancers.  We Were There When Androsteinedione Exploded Onto The Scene; We Were There When The ORIGINAL “Methyl 1 Test” Was Making Every User Believe He Could Become An Professional Body Builder.   Yes, We Have Seen Them All Come And Go.  You’d Be Damned  To Know That Some Of The Best Gains You’ve Ever Gotten Came From Products We Made! 

Back In The Late 90s, Only Small Mom And Pop Stores Sold The Corrupt Brand. Major Chain Stores Were Afraid Of The Possible Public Outcry Regarding Our Name And Our Logo Which Is Why They Passed On Selling Our Line.  What Happened To Freedom Of Expression?!  

We Knew When We Headed Into Those Big Boardrooms, Of Major Corporate Franchises, We Didn’t Stand A Chance At Getting Shelf Placement In Their Stores. You Ask Why Bother Then?  Simply Put, If Major Retailers Felt We Were Politically Incorrect With What We Wanted To Put Out In The Mass Market – We Knew Then And There We Had Exactly What We Wanted!  Thank You Corporate Honchos For Not Allowing Us Into Your Stores: After That, The Legend Of Corrupt Pharmaceuticals Began.

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    Why us !

    If You Decide To Make One Of The Best Purchases You’ll Have Ever Made, Good For You.  If You Decide Otherwise, It’s Also Understandable.  Not Everyone Wants To Look And Feel The Best They Ever Could.  Maybe They Are Just “Regular” People Wanting To Live A Regular Life.  At The End Of The Day, To Each His/Her Own.

    What We Absolutely Can Guarantee Every New Family Member To The Corrupt Brand Is You Will Be Getting Products From A Trusted Source. We All Know That There Have Been Too Many Fly By Night Products In This Industry And Being Iffy Is Something We Understand. Also, Counterfeiting Has Hurt This Sector Of The Fitness Industry. It’s Really Quite Frightening. As For Mainstream Products, Your Online Purchase Is Likely To Be Counterfeit. We Don’t Want To Blast Various Nutrition Corporations That Began Their Business By Bootlegging Counterfeits. Yes, That Is A True Statement. You Will Never Have An Issue With Our Products Because You Can Only Buy Them Directly From Our Site Or From Your Local Retailer.

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